Float rod custom options

All blanks are Ultra Matte, no varnish to scratch.

Choice of main whippings colours. Black, Claret red, Dark green, Brown.
Below is the little tip whipping colour options around the rod logo area.

NCP blue / Metallic Blue / NCP Red / Metallic red

Metallic gold / Metallic silver / NCP white / Metallic green
Metallic fusia / Metallic purple / Metallic copper / Metallic bronze / Metallic pewter



Done in white ink, all rod details are written on the underside and any personnel details such as your name, initials etc are written on top. 

Ring Options

Atlas Specialist Float Rings ( Top )
Atlas Match Style Float Rings ( Bottom )

Standard type Float rods are built with match style float rings.
Specialist Float Rods are built with Specialist float rings. The rings have a black frame. The Specialist float rings are larger and less of them and impart the action perfectly and give a real specialist look to the specialist float rod. 


Reel Seat Options

DPS, Black ( top )
DPS, CC ( middle )
DPS, BC ( bottom )


Sliding Bands style

Handle Options

( Cork outer diameter is approximately a slim 24mm )
( EVA outer diameter is approximately a slim 23mm )

Full Cork Flare 

Full EVA Flare 

Full Cork Flare ( Sliding bands )

The 14' Harrison Gti model is in my opinion the best options for a custom 'long rod', as they have all the lightness needed in a float rod but long enough for maximum control.
I use the 12' Dark Carbon for trotting on the river for Grayling, Roach, and Chub and on the stillwaters I like to target anything under 4 lbs. If I was going for bigger stuff, I would use the Mark Tunley MK1 Specialist Float Rod